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ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc. FAQs for the ChanRobles Internet Bar Review Program:
What is ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc.? ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc., is a duly registered corporate entity solely devoted to providing professional review courses on the internet. It is a member of the ChanRobles Professional Group which, for more than 20 years now, has been providing free on-line legal resources through the world-renowned ChanRobles Virtual Law Library and has been hosting Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) seminars for thousands of lawyers through the ChanRobles Lawnet, Inc. What makes the bar review program offered by ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc. different from other bar review courses? The ChanRobles Internet Bar Review is the first and only bar review course in the Philippines whose materials are made available on-line. With the reformatting of the Bar Examinations by the Supreme Court where definitive topics are prescribed under a uniform Syllabus for every bar subject, the traditional classroom-type bar review courses have somewhat been rendered archaic, not to mention, expensive, tedious and cumbersome. With the latest advances in internet technology, an internet-based bar review course is better suited and more appropriate to meet and service the needs of bar reviewees who are preparing for the newly reformatted Bar Examinations. While the traditional classroom-type bar reviews may teach the same substantive law, only ChanRobles Internet Bar Review provides for greater home study flexibility and convenience, comprehensive bar review materials available to the bar reviewees on a 24/7 basis and more personal attention.
The first run of the ChanRobles Internet Bar Review was made for the 2011 Bar Examinations where two (2) bar topnotchers and 138 bar passers took their bar review with us. The second run of the ChanRobles Internet Bar Review was made for the 2012 Bar Examinations where five (5) bar topnotchers and 162 bar passers took their bar review with us. The third run of the ChanRobles Internet Bar Review was made for the 2013 Bar Examinations where two (2) bar topnotchers and 185 bar passers took their bar review with us. The fourth run of the ChanRobles Internet Bar Review was made for the 2014 Bar Examinations where seven (7) bar topnotchers and 203 bar passers took their bar review with us. The fifth run of the ChanRobles Internet Bar Review was made for the 2015 Bar Examinations where four (4) bar topnotchers and 256 bar passers took their bar review with us. The sixth run of the ChanRobles Internet Bar Review was made for the 2016 Bar Examinations where four (3) bar topnotchers and 389 bar passers took their bar review with us. The seventh run of the ChanRobles Internet Bar Review was made for the 2017 Bar Examinations where ten (10) bar topnotchers and 165 bar passers took their bar review with us. The eighth run was for the 2018 Bar Examinations, the results of which will be released sometime during the first quarter of 2019. We are now on our EIGHTH run for the 2018 Bar Examinations which will commence in May 2018 and will end at midnight of the last Sunday of the examination month of November, 2018. All the eight (8) bar subjects of the Philippine Bar Examinations are covered by this Internet Bar Review Course. In addition to the eight (8) bar subjects, the Internet Bar Review Course also features five (5) additional areas with no additional cost, namely: 1. Bar Methods and Techniques; Law and Jurisprudence Updates will also be made in the course of the internet bar review leading to the 2018 bar examinations. The names and credentials of the distinguished bar reviewers for this Third Internet Bar Review Course are found in the index page of the website Yes. The lectures of all the Bar Reviewers are video stream and presented in an easily accessible format. Yes. This is actually the most significant feature of this kind of review format. Unlike in the non-internet bar review courses, the enrollee in this course has the rare advantage of unlimited rewinding/re-viewing the videotaped lectures in case he/she misses a certain part thereof or fails to catch up with the desired pace. Since each bar subject has now a definitive topical coverage in accordance with the Syllabi promulgated by the Supreme Court, the lectures are patterned after the topical presentation prescribed under the Syllabi. The enrollee is well-guided in his/her review as the video streams of lectures are cut-up and segmented in accordance with the order of topics as prescribed in the Syllabi. For example, in Labor Law, the lectures on such topics as Unfair Labor Practice (ULP), Strikes, etc., are cut-up or segregated per topic. The enrollee, therefore, has the option to watch all the video stream of lectures from the first to the last topics prescribed under the Syllabi or may proceed to watch directly the particular topic he/she wants to be refreshed on. The enrollee need not watch the entire video stream of lectures for the entire bar subjects all at once. What are the advantages of the Internet Bar Review over the traditional classroom-type bar review? The advantages are enormous: 1. Great Savings in Time. - The enrollee need not travel to and from the bar review center just to be able to listen to the lectures. The discomfort and inconvenience of travelling through heavy traffic, inclement weather, etc. are avoided. 3. Benefit of Re-Viewing the Lectures. - Unlike in actual bar review classes where the bar reviewee will never have the opportunity to interrupt the lecturers to request for a re-statement or repeat of certain part of the lectures which he/she failed to intently take note of, in the Internet Bar Review, all that the enrollee has to do is to rewind the lecture videos (which are presented by topic in accordance with the Syllabi and, therefore, manageably short in terms of duration/playtime and downloading), and re-view again the particular part he/she wants to listen to or take note of. Is this in the nature of a "Crash Course?" Certainly not. In fact, with the new format of the Bar Examinations, ChanRobles Internet Bar Review Program may be used as the principal bar review course. Our course is complete and no supplemental or extra courses are necessary. For obvious reason, the bar reviewee has the option either to enroll only in the ChanRobles Internet Bar Review or, if he has already enrolled in the traditional classroom-type bar review, to treat the latter as a supplemental course. Reviewing at home, office or in a quiet and peaceful place which provides for greater concentration, focus and reflection is very important to a bar reviewee. Going to the classroom along with so many other bar reviewees and following fixed schedules which the bar reviewees have no way of controlling or changing, may no longer be the mode of reviewing for the present-day bar exams, especially with the advent of the internet which is readily accessible at the bar reviewees’ own time and pace. As shown in its first to seventh runs in 2011 to 2017, respectively, some of the enrollees who successfully hurdled the bar exams never enrolled in the traditional bar review format. And those who have enrolled have found the resources of ChanRobles more broad and comprehensive. All our bar reviewers have reformatted their respective lectures to be fully compliant with the Syllabi prescribed by the Supreme Court. Their lectures and bar review materials are updated and will be constantly updated in the course of the Internet Bar Review to reflect the latest areas of emphasis in the examinations as well as the newest techniques in answering bar exam questions. The ChanRobles Internet Bar Review Course is being offered under the following affordable enrollment fee options:
SPECIAL DISCOUNT RATES: The following special discount rates are available to Qualified Enrollees:
COMPUTATION OF THE DISCOUNTS: • REGULAR RATE - An enrollee who enrolls from January 01, 2018 and onwards, is still entitled to the 10% special discount, if qualified. Hence, the total amount of discounted fee is PhP9,000.00 only, computed as follows: PhP13,500.00 less 10% or PhP1,350.00 = PhP12,150.00
At the moment, we do not accept payments through credit cards. Yes. We offer scholarship (free full tuition) to the TOP 5 Graduates of any law school in the Philippines. A simple certification on this by the law school is all that is required to be entitled to the scholarship. Because of the very low tuition fee that we ask of our enrollees and considering the comprehensive coverage of our Course, we do not offer enrollment on a per subject basis. Enrollment may be done in 2 ways: (1) on-line; or (2) off-line. (1) On-Line Enrollment. Just click on the On-Line Enrollment icon in the index page of our website:, fill up the few fields (blanks) and click “Enroll”. (2) Off-Line Enrollment. Simply go through the following steps: (a) Download the form by clicking on the image provided in the Enrollment Page and right click to save image to your PC and print; and (b) Fill out the needed details and fax the form to (632) 634-07-36 or e-mail it to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or mail it to us at our physical address as follows: ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc. (c) Deposit payment to any of the following BPI and BDO accounts of ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc.: Account Name: ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc. (d) After depositing the amount, please fax or mail or e-mail the deposit slip to us to confirm your enrollment. (e) Or you may call us at any of the following telephone numbers: (632) 584-7801 or 634-07-41/42/43/44/45
The 8th ChanRobles Internet Bar Review Course will officially start in May 2018. By “start” means that the enrollees will have access to all the materials available on-line including, but not limited to, the lecture videos, lecture notes, updates, and the like. No. The reason is that the lecture videos, materials and notes are all well-suited as pre-week materials. As shown by experience in its first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh runs in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively, many of our reviewees no longer attended pre-week courses as they found our resources already sufficient for pre-week purposes. Re-viewing and/or re-reading the videos and materials already available online proved to be more effective than actual pre-week attendance in classroom-type setting. Our pre-bar lectures and materials remain excellent pre-week materials since they are recorded and stored in our database and are available online until the very last day of the bar examinations. They may thus be viewed and revisited any time, most especially during the pre-month or pre-week period. However, by way of distinction, the pre-month/pre-week lectures and materials would be featuring mainly the last-minute well-informed opinions, tips, predictions and forecasts of the selected bar reviewers for each of the bar subjects, based on their comprehensive analytical knowledge, up-to-date statistical study and inference, proven expertise and long experience not only as pre-bar reviewers but most importantly, as pre-week lecturers. Simply put, while the pre-bar lectures and materials broadly cover almost all the topics in the Supreme Court-prescribed Syllabi for the eight (8) bar subjects, the pre-month/pre-week lectures are focused more sharply and predominantly on the specific topics, issues and questions which the pre-week lecturers feel would be given in the bar exams. Considering the time constraint and for greater ease and convenience of our enrollees, instead of “pre-week,” we have expanded the time coverage to one (1) month that is why the lectures are basically denominated as “pre-month” since the pre-month/pre-week lecture videos and materials would be available for viewing and/or reading starting 1st day of October. How long does it take to complete the course? The entire duration of lecture videos in our database totals more than 1,000 hours. The enrollees are given the opportunity to choose from among the roster of distinguished bar reviewers in a given bar subject. More bar reviewers and lecturers will be added to the roster in the course of the Internet Bar Review. The Internet Bar Review Course consists of lecture videos of all the featured bar reviewers, lecture materials, updates and multiple choice questions (MCQs). Each of the bar subjects contains specific review outline following the basic course of study. The bar review assignments include watching or listening to lecture videos, reading the bar review materials whose cited laws and cases are searchable thru the database of the ChanRobles Virtual Law Library and practicing answering the MCQs in the interactive Mock Bar Exams per bar subject whose database contains thousands of MCQs in all bar subjects. The full course may be completed in 4 to 5 months or even faster depending on the pace and speed that the enrollee will find convenient and comfortable. Since the questions in the bar examinations are formatted, presented and stated in English, all bar review videos and materials are also presented in the English language. All the lecture videos and lecture materials featured in the Internet Bar Review are the proprietary and copyrighted materials of ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc. and, therefore, cannot be copied, duplicated, reproduced, transcribed, distributed, disseminated or sold. As a general rule, no. The reason is that since the bar review materials are in digital format, they cannot be printed and distributed or sold in another format. However, there are lecture notes which are downloadable and the enrollees may thus copy and print them with special permission from the Executive Board of ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc.. But just the same, the reproduction, distribution, dissemination or selling thereof is absolutely enjoined. ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc., through its technical expertise and facilities, scans and continues to scan the World Wide Web (www) to detect and ascertain possible infringement of its copyrights/intellectual property rights over its Internet bar review materials. In the event that an enrollee or any other person or entity copies, duplicates, reproduces, distributes or resells any of the internet bar review materials, ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc. reserves its right to report such violation or infringement of its copyrights/intellectual property rights to the Supreme Court Bar Confidant, without prejudice to possible criminal and civil prosecution. In the spirit of fairness, we shall not allow hackers and illegal users and sellers of our resources at our expense. In the 2012 run, we have, through the able assistance of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), caught and apprehended a hacker who downloaded our resources and illegally sold the same offline. Cases have been filed in court against the culprit for violation of the E-Commerce Law and infringement of intellectual property rights. Efforts have also been initiated to bar him from ever becoming a lawyer. For greater ease and convenience, the Internet Bar Review Course requires broadband (cable modem, T-1, DSL, etc.) Internet access. Mobile Devices should use Wi-Fi or 3G or 4G access. A dial-up connection to the internet may not effectively work because of the size of the lecture videos and lecture materials. We recommend an internet connection speed of 1Mbps or higher. To allow for an effective and easy streaming, enrollees may need to disable local firewalls in their computers. If this is not done, some computers, including publicly accessed computers used in libraries, internet cafes and the like, may not be able to access the internet-based lecture videos and bar review materials. It must be noted that on-line streams of lecture videos and materials cannot be copied or downloaded. Enrollees may only listen or watch the lecture videos and read printed materials on their computers or mobile devices. Lecture videos found in are all proprietary materials of ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc. Registered users are authorized to view the same online as many times as they wish BUT are STRICTLY PROHIBITED from downloading for personal use or distributing the video or its audio track, in any manner or form. Users’ activities in are regularly monitored and users’ logged data are regularly compiled for future reference. The public is forewarned that any attempt to illegally download and/or distribute our materials in any manner or form constitutes the criminal offense of video piracy. ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc. and its affiliates shall utilize all means available to track and prosecute perpetrators to the fullest extent of the law. ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc. also serves the warning that it shall file a Petition before the Supreme Court of the Philippines to disqualify bar exam candidates who are caught using illicitly obtained copies of lecture videos or its audio tracks. |
Contact Info:
ChanRobles Professional Review, Inc.
Suites 2205-B, 22nd Floor and 1607-A, 16th Floor, Philippine Stock Exchange Centre, Tektite East Tower, Exchange Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City, Metro Manila
Tel. Nos.: +632 8584-7801 or 8634-0741 to 45
Fax No.: +632 8584-7801 or 8634-0736
E-mail: [email protected]